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Дизайн интерьера | Дизайн интерьера в Молдове

Why do we need interior design?

interior design moldova

According to law of Republic of Moldova, the interior design is not mandatory, but is recommended to be implemented in any home. Why do we need interior design?

Design of Glass Ornaments

sticla design decoratii

Glass is always present inside the housing. Best option for windows and showcases, glass can come in the form of beautiful decorations, as example: glasses, paintings, dishes, bowls, vases, so on. Small glass decorations can be easily placed around the house, such in the form of some points of attractions, or just to highlight the style of a room. 

Tips for arranging a hall


The hall is the first place  you see when you walk into a house , it is like a business card for guests who walk in the housing threshold. It is very important that hallway should reflect a warm and welcoming atmosphere .

For Valentine's Day, we reduced the price!



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