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5 easy steps for redesign your dining room

With so many elements working together in one space, keep the look simple with modern furniture and a pale palette. Prevent overcrowding by using clever storage solutions to hide clutter.

Below are some advices to redesign your dining room:
1) Reinvent the space, clear out accumulated junk and clutter, ready for dinner-party action. Make your dining table into the focal point of the room - a quick way to do this is to place it in the centre of the room on a rug that contrasts with the flooring.

2) Use colour tricks, create an effect or highlight a feature using colour.  Frame an area with an eye-popping rug or pair of curtains.

3) Set the right lightning. Good lighting is crucial. Add diffused mood lighting with table lamps or even big lanterns or a candelabra. If you have an overhead light, it should be dimmable; if not, use a shade that softens the glare. Sit in each seat to check that nobody will have strong light in their eyes.

4) Create a display. Every dining room needs a talking point your guests can look at while you're busy in the kitchen. Display a collection in alcoves, invest in an unusual picture or print, or try the idea with a row of black and white photos in matching frames on a narrow ledge.

5) Theme accessories. Give your dining room personality - and express your own - with accessories that complement each other. Try choosing Moroccan-inspired details: ornate lanterns, heavy metal candlesticks, trinket boxes and cushions with metal-disc trim.



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